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[Offre expirée] Recherche de partenaires : Pacte vert pour l’Europe – proposition 10.1 – Make.org

Appel à projets / à participation — Date d'expiration : 24/01/2021

La plateforme Make.org recherche un consortium pour l’appel à projets du Pacte vert pour l’Europe (European Green Deal) suivant : European capacities for citizen deliberation and participation for the Green Deal (LC-GD-10-1-2020)

En savoir plus sur le Pacte vert pour l’Europe

Quick description of the project

Make.org is very engaged and has a strong experience, based on an innovative methodology and efficient tools, in citizen engagement in the field of environment and climate action. Our initiative “Great Cause How can we act together for the environment ?”, launched in France in 2019 with a large coalition of stakeholders, as well as our citizen consultations on sustainable fashion or on the “World after Covid-19”, have given us strong insights on citizen expectations on this major issue and confirmed our will to engage them furthermore in the sustainable transformation of our society.These citizen consultations have reached several millions citizens and engaged more than 800 000 participants.

We are seeking to join an existing consortium to answer the 10-1 green deal call.

As we have, so far, limited Horizon 2020 experience, we would rather take part as participants and not coordinators. However, we have all the resources and field experience to ensure a very active participation within the project, as Work Package Leaders for example.

Our digital solution deals with at least four of the 6 expected impacts of the 10-1 call :

  • participatory identification of solutions contributing to the European Green Deal ;
  • enhanced involvement of citizens in the implementation of the European Green Deal and of the future Horizon Europe missions ;
  •  commitment and buy-in from a broad spectrum of social groups across Europe ;
  • feeling of ownership and engagement through citizen deliberation and participation across Europe.

Once integrated into a broader project with other types of partners such as university labs, associations or local collaborative solutions, we can provide strong and unique assets to the proposal.

In addition, we have a good knowledge of European institutions and privileged contact with most of them, which could strengthen the project in terms of communication and impact towards policy makers.

Thanks to our 2019 WeEuropeans consultation (www.weeuropeans.eu), we are the only Civic Tech that has already conducted a citizen deliberation and participation mobilisation at the European level in 27 Member States (38 millions citizens involved, 1.7 million participants, 11.3 million votes, 24 languages). As such, we already have experience in establishing contact with many European citizens.

Our experience is mostly linked to the field of citizen engagement, data analysis and action towards policy makers, so we are looking for a consortium where these skills are needed.

Toutes les informations pour répondre à cette recherche de partenaires dans le fichier joint.

Guillemette Colombe